Countries With the Lowest IQ in the World [Top 10 Results in 2023]

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Exploring Countries With the Lowest IQ: A Look at Countries on the Lower Spectrum

When we think of IQ scores, often, our minds turn to the countries that frequently top the charts. But the story doesn’t end there. What about the nations at the other end of the spectrum? Delving into this side of intelligence can offer a fresh perspective.

Firstly, it’s essential to clarify that intelligence is multifaceted and shaped by various elements, from genetics to educational opportunities. By examining countries with lower average IQ scores, we aren’t passing judgment or insinuating any form of inferiority. Instead, it’s an exploration into the myriad factors that might influence these numbers.

Diving into this information, we might find patterns linked to educational infrastructures, socio-economic challenges, or even cultural beliefs. Such a deep dive can shed light on the global disparities in opportunities and resources. And who knows, we might just challenge some of our preconceived notions along the way.

So, let’s embark on this enlightening journey and see what we can unearth about the intellectual landscapes of different nations. Through understanding, we can foster empathy and appreciation for the diverse tapestry that is our world.

1. Nepal

Nepal, situated in South Asia, is renowned for its breathtaking mountain vistas and vibrant cultural legacy. Yet, it’s also often associated with having one of the lowest average IQ scores worldwide. Although IQ tests have their fair share of debate and criticism, Nepalese individuals tend to score lower, and this can be attributed to a range of factors, such as limited educational opportunities and pervasive poverty. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to keep in mind that IQ is just one measure of intelligence and doesn’t determine a nation’s value or potential.

2. Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone has faced numerous formidable challenges over the years, including civil conflicts, devastating disease outbreaks like Ebola, and economic instability. These difficulties, coupled with limited access to quality education, healthcare, and adequate nutrition, have contributed to the country’s lower IQ scores. However, there’s hope for a better future if there’s sustained investment in education and healthcare.

3. Liberia

Liberia has confronted substantial hardships in its history, most notably a protracted civil conflict that left its economy and infrastructure in ruins. The country’s low IQ scores can be attributed to a combination of factors, including limited access to essential services like healthcare and education, as well as elevated poverty rates. However, there is potential for improvement if investments are made in healthcare and education to uplift Liberia’s prospects for the future.

4. Guatemala

Guatemala, a Central American nation home to over 18 million people, grapples with lower IQ scores primarily stemming from limited access to quality education and healthcare, alongside elevated poverty rates. Despite significant challenges, Guatemala has shown signs of improvement in recent years by working towards greater access to education and decreasing poverty levels.

5. The Gambia

The Gambia has grappled with resource scarcity and poverty, with education and healthcare posing significant challenges. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that The Gambia boasts a vibrant cultural heritage, renowned for its music, dance, and traditional festivals. To address these hurdles, sustained investments in education and healthcare will equip The Gambia with the necessary means to surmount these obstacles.

6. Nicaragua

Nicaragua has faced difficulties in enhancing cognitive abilities, primarily attributed to poverty and limited access to education and healthcare. In recent times, the country has initiated efforts to enhance educational access and diminish poverty rates. By persistently investing in these critical areas, Nicaragua stands the chance to surmount these challenges and unleash the full potential of its population.

7. Guinea

Guinea, situated in West Africa and home to a population exceeding 13 million, reports an average IQ of 53.48. Although there have been recent strides in enhancing education and healthcare, Guinea continues to grapple with substantial obstacles, including poverty, political instability, and resource scarcity.

8. Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast, a West African nation home to more than 26 million people, has made substantial investments in education and training programs. However, despite these efforts, the country still faces challenges in enhancing cognitive abilities, primarily stemming from issues like poverty and inadequate healthcare.

9. Ghana

Ghana, a West African nation boasting a population exceeding 30 million, has undertaken substantial initiatives to enhance its education system. Nevertheless, the country encounters challenges in elevating cognitive abilities, largely due to factors like poverty and insufficient healthcare. Despite these hurdles, Ghana is celebrated for its lively culture, music, and warm-hearted people. With persistent endeavors, it holds the promise of improving its IQ scores and realizing its full potential.

10. South Sudan

Sudan, renowned for its deep-rooted history and cultural heritage, is also recognized for its lower IQ scores. Despite considerable investments in education and training initiatives, Sudan faces challenges in enhancing cognitive abilities, with the average IQ estimated at 58.61. It’s important to acknowledge that IQ tests often draw criticism for their cultural bias, and some argue that they may not offer a precise measure of intelligence. Nevertheless, the lower IQ scores in Sudan indicate that there remains significant room for improvement in the country’s education and healthcare systems.

Why Are IQs Low?

Several factors influence cognitive development and average IQ scores in a country:

Nutrition: Malnutrition during pregnancy and childhood can lead to cognitive impairments and reduced IQ. Inadequate nutrition can result in stunted growth, which, in turn, can cause permanent cognitive damage.

Education: Access to quality education is pivotal for cognitive development. Countries with lower literacy rates often exhibit lower average IQ scores.

Poverty: Poverty is frequently linked to insufficient nutrition, subpar education, and limited access to healthcare. These factors collectively contribute to lower average IQ scores.

Environmental factors: Exposure to environmental toxins, such as lead or pollution, can harm the developing brain and result in lower IQ scores.

Genetics: Genetics do play a role in IQ, although they’re not the sole determinant. However, certain genetic disorders can lead to intellectual disabilities, which contribute to lower average IQ scores in a country.

Healthcare: Access to healthcare significantly impacts cognitive development. A lack of healthcare access can lead to untreated illnesses or infections, potentially causing brain damage.

Cultural and societal factors: Cultural and societal factors wield influence over education, healthcare, and nutrition, ultimately affecting cognitive development and average IQ scores within a country.

10 Countries with Highest IQ Levels














Hong Kong






South Korea














Frequently Asked Questions

What leads to lower average IQ scores in countries?

Several factors come into play, including insufficient nutrition, limited access to healthcare, inadequate education opportunities, elevated poverty levels, and environmental factors like pollution and disease.

Is a low IQ solely a result of genetics?

No, IQ is shaped by a combination of genetics and environmental factors. While genetics can set the stage for an individual’s IQ potential, environmental factors play a substantial role in determining the final outcome.

Do IQ tests offer a dependable gauge of intelligence?

While these tests can offer a glimpse into cognitive capabilities, they are not flawless indicators. They can be swayed by cultural and educational biases, and may not comprehensively assess an individual’s complete range of abilities.

How can we elevate IQ averages in countries with lower scores?

Enhancing access to education, healthcare, and adequate nutrition stands as a crucial step forward. Tackling poverty, mitigating pollution, and fostering healthier living conditions can also play pivotal roles in elevating IQ averages.

In the realm of IQ scores?

Nepal is frequently cited as having one of the world’s lowest average IQ rates.

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