Conquer the Arena: Your Smitesource Guide to Smite Domination

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If you’re a Smite player looking to improve your gameplay, you’ve likely heard of SmiteSource. This website is a valuable resource for players of all skill levels, offering detailed guides, builds, and other useful information. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, SmiteSource has something to offer.

One of the most popular features of SmiteSource is its extensive collection of builds. You can find builds for every god in the game, with detailed explanations of each item’s purpose and how it fits into the overall strategy. With so many options to choose from, you’re sure to find a build that suits your playstyle and helps you dominate on the battlefield.

In addition to builds, SmiteSource also provides guides for each god, including their strengths, weaknesses, and recommended playstyle. These guides can help you understand each god’s kit and how to use it effectively in battle. Whether you prefer to play as a warrior, mage, hunter, assassin, or guardian, SmiteSource has the information you need to excel.

Understanding Smite

Smite is a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios. In this game, players control a god, goddess, or other mythological figure and battle against other players or computer-controlled characters. The game is played from a third-person perspective and features a variety of game modes, including Conquest, Arena, Joust, and Assault.

Game Mechanics

In Smite, players compete in teams of five, with each player controlling a unique character with their own set of abilities. The objective of the game is to destroy the enemy team’s Titan, a powerful creature that defends the team’s base. To do this, players must work together to defeat enemy players and minions, earn gold and experience, and purchase powerful items to enhance their characters’ abilities.

One of the unique features of Smite is its use of a third-person perspective, which allows players to see their characters’ movements and abilities in a more immersive way. The game also features a variety of game modes, each with its own set of rules and objectives. For example, the Conquest mode is the primary mode of the game and involves two teams of five players battling to destroy the enemy team’s Titan.

Character Roles

In Smite, each character has a specific role to play on the team. These roles include:

  • Hunter: These characters are ranged attackers who deal physical damage and are typically played in the carry role.
  • Mage: These characters deal magical damage and are typically played in a mid- or solo role.
  • Assassin: These characters are melee attackers who deal physical damage and are typically played in the jungle role.
  • Guardian: These characters are tanky and can absorb a lot of damage, making them ideal for the support role.
  • Warrior: These characters are versatile and can be played in a variety of roles, including solo, jungle, and support.

Understanding the roles of each character is important for playing the game effectively. Each role has its own strengths and weaknesses, and players must work together to create a balanced team composition.

In conclusion, Smite is a complex and engaging MOBA game that requires skill, strategy, and teamwork to succeed. By understanding the game mechanics and character roles, players can improve their gameplay and work towards victory.

Strategies and tactics

When it comes to playing Smite, strategies and tactics are key to winning matches. In this section, we’ll cover some of the important aspects of gameplay that can help you and your team come out on top.

Team Composition

One of the most important aspects of Smite is team composition. Having a well-rounded team with a good mix of gods can make all the difference. It’s important to have a balance of physical and magical damage, as well as a mix of gods that can play different roles, such as tank, damage dealer, and support. Be sure to communicate with your team during the god selection process to ensure that you have a good mix of gods for your particular game mode.

Map Awareness

Map awareness is another crucial aspect of Smite gameplay. Knowing where your enemies are and where they might be headed can help you make better decisions and avoid getting caught off guard. Keep an eye on the minimap and be aware of where your teammates are as well. Communication is key, so be sure to call out any enemy movements that you see.

Objective Control

Controlling objectives is another important part of Smite gameplay. Whether it’s securing a buff, taking down a tower, or killing the Fire Giant, objectives can give your team a significant advantage. Be sure to communicate with your team when it comes to objectives and work together to secure them. It’s also important to be aware of when objectives are approaching so that you can be there to contest them.

In conclusion, having a good understanding of strategies and tactics in Smite can make all the difference when it comes to winning matches. By focusing on team composition, map awareness, and objective control, you and your team can work together to come out on top.

Gods and Abilities

God Selection

In Smite, selecting the right god is crucial for winning the game. SmiteSource provides players with a comprehensive list of gods, along with their strengths and weaknesses. With this information, you can choose a god that fits your playstyle and strategy.

Ability Synergies

Each god in Smite has a unique set of abilities that can be used to defeat opponents. SmiteSource provides players with detailed information on the abilities of each god, including their damage, range, and cooldown time. This information is useful for understanding how to use each ability effectively and how to combine them for maximum damage.

Ultimate Usage

Ultimate abilities are the most powerful abilities in Smite and can turn the tide of a battle. SmiteSource provides players with information on how to use each ultimate ability effectively and when to use it. This information is useful for understanding how to use your ultimate abilities to their full potential and how to coordinate with your team to secure a victory.

Overall, SmiteSource is an excellent resource for players looking to improve their gameplay in Smite. With detailed information on god selection, ability synergies, and ultimate usage, players can gain a competitive edge and increase their chances of winning.


When it comes to playing Smite, itemization is a crucial aspect of the game. Choosing the right items can make all the difference in determining the outcome of a match. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at the different types of items you can choose from in Smite and when it’s appropriate to use them.

Starting Items

Starting items are the items you purchase at the beginning of a match. These items are typically less expensive and provide basic statistics that can help you get started. The most common starting items in Smite are Bumba’s Mask, Death’s Toll, and Vampiric Shroud. These items can help you sustain yourself in the jungle or in a lane and provide some early-game advantages.

Core Items

Core items are the items that you build in the middle of the game. These items are typically more expensive and provide more advanced stats that can help you deal more damage or sustain better. The core items you choose will depend on the god you’re playing and the role you’re filling. For example, a mage might build the Book of Thoth or the Rod of Tahuti as their core items, while a hunter might build the Executioner or Qin’s Sais.

Situational Items

Situational items are the items that you build in response to the situation you’re in. These items are typically built later in the game and can help you counter specific enemy gods or team compositions. Examples of situational items include Brawler’s Beat Stick to counter healing, Magi’s Cloak to prevent crowd control, or Winged Blade to counter slows.

When building your items in Smite, it’s important to consider the god you’re playing, the role you’re filling, and the situation you’re in. By choosing the right items at the right time, you can gain an advantage over your opponents and help lead your team to victory.

Community and Esports

SmiteSource is not just a website to get better at Smite, but it is also a community of players who share their experiences, knowledge, and strategies with each other. This community-driven approach makes SmiteSource a great place to learn, share, and connect with other Smite players.

Player Interaction

One of the main features of SmiteSource is the ability to create and share your own builds and tierlists with other players. The website also allows you to follow other players and view their builds and tierlists. This feature promotes player interaction and helps players learn from each other.

SmiteSource also has a forum where players can discuss various topics related to the game. The forum is a great place to ask for help, share your experiences, and connect with other players.

Tournaments and events

SmiteSource also hosts various tournaments and events for the Smite community. These tournaments and events are a great way to showcase your skills and compete against other players.

In addition to hosting its own tournaments and events, SmiteSource also provides information on upcoming Smite esports events. This feature allows players to stay up-to-date on the latest esports news and watch the best players in the world compete against each other.

Overall, SmiteSource is more than just a website to get better at Smite. It is a community of players who share their experiences, knowledge, and strategies with each other. The website promotes player interaction and hosts various tournaments and events for the Smite community.

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