How to Track your Employees Performance (5 Easy to Follow Tips)

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Employees would spend all of their working hours, in an ideal world, focused on particular activities and projects which are linked to their job obligations. Alas, this is not the case. Bosses and managers need to stay on top of what their employees are up to reduce costs and ensure an efficient workplace.

Most of the companies still use old practices to monitor their clients but the majority of the large enterprises up to date them according to the time and installed special devices and software to monitor the workflow even being out of the office.

In this article, we will spell out 6 tips to monitor your employees’ performance, from setting up systems to seeing how long they take to respond to emails and calls. But before starting the tips let’s learn a little bit about what is employee tracking and why we need to monitor our employees.

What is Employees Tacking & Why We need that:

Employee Tracking is all about measuring employee productivity. It will tell you the overall health of the company. Managing employees and staff effectively is the core to any company’s success. Companies typically spend a great deal of time managing employee processes and in many cases, this comes at the expense of advanced technology solutions designed to help them automate human capital management (HCM).

Employees are one of the most important resources that companies can manage. Accordingly, it is essential to know how employees are performing in their roles. In the Modern World of 2022 companies use different digital technologies to track work, employee performance, and work in progress to better understand how their employees work all day. 

Here are the tips which help you to monitor your employee’s work:

  1. Monitor Online Activities through time tracking 
  2. Monitor Employee’s Email Activity
  3. WebCams and CCTV Camera’s Recording 
  4. Monitor Phone Activities of Employees
  5. Mention all the Policies in the Document Before Hiring Client

Monitor their Online Activities through Time Tracking Apps:

Keep a tab on your employees through a time tracker that sends you a report about the activities of your employees on their smartphones during work. The time tracking apps can be very useful in knowing how employees spend their time. For instance, these apps can help you to know if your employee is wasting time during office hours. Set up a system to send emails and calls:

Setting up a system that sends out emails to track employees’ time is another good practice. 

For example, whenever any work-related work has been done for an employee, you can be sure that your employee has received an email notification about it. You can also set up a system where you get a call on the phone of your employee whenever he/she works during office hours. This will keep you updated about any activity that has taken place during office hours.

Monitoring Employee Email Activity:

For a variety of reasons, it is helpful to record staff interactions with clients, users, prospects, or suppliers. Employees are spending more time working through the official email address than the other way around. 

This means you might not see everything that they are doing in their work and all the time they are spending on official emails. To avoid any bad surprises, it is also good for you to monitor your employee’s email activities.

WebCams and CCTV Camera’s Recording:

Employees are being monitored by the CCTVs and webcams in many of the offices which keeps a tab on their activities. You can also set up a system where you can monitor any activity that has taken place during office hours. In this case, you need to choose a proper camera and webcams which are working fine for your company to track your employees.

Monitor Phone Activities of Employees:

Phones are one of the major sources to track employees while they are working. 

With call tracking apps you can confirm that your employee is not talking with anyone during office hours and how many calls they have made on their phone. This way you can stay updated about all the activities that have taken place on your employee’s phone.

Mention all your Strict Policies in the Document Before Hiring Client:

All the employees are aware of the policies and rules which were made by companies. It is good to mention all of your policies in the document before hiring any employee or virtual assistant. You can clearly mention all the strict rules and regulations which will be made by your company so that no one would make a mistake while working with Client Company.

Final Thoughts:

In this modern world of technology, you cannot afford to make a mistake when it comes to employee tracking. To avoid any mistakes follow these steps and watch how it helps you at the workplace.

The next time you are about to hire a new employee or any team member for your business, ask yourself these questions and make sure you hire an employee who will not waste your time. Here are a few questions that might help you in making the right decision.

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