9 Tips of How to Get rid of Intrusive Thoughts

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You are probably thinking about something that maybe you have experienced or what you are expecting at any time of the day. Thinking is healthy for the brain as that helps to develop ideas on how to engage on various issues. However, your mind tends to wander easily in some situations, and you start having thoughts that could harm you. You may find yourself constantly thinking about something that you don’t want.

No matter how hard you try to get rid of these thoughts, they still come into your head at any moment. It could be that you are having intrusive thoughts, which at times can be stressful. In some cases, you may be thinking that you completely have no control over them, and you are likely to associate them with negative outcomes. Such a case means that you could be experiencing obsessive thoughts.

Intrusive Thoughts and how they May Lead to Physical Diseases

Sometimes you feel that you are seeking, and you can hardly figure out the problem. However, your condition could result from something simple like your thoughts.

  • Intrusive thoughts increase the chance of you getting obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) when you have reached a level where you can’t easily control them. At this point, it is clear that these thoughts are overwhelming you
  • As if that is not enough, intrusive thoughts can easily get you into depression because they tend to be frequent and excessive. If you are not careful, your excessive thoughts could easily land you into addiction. Because you are always thinking, you may look for an easy solution to get away from it. Alcohol and other types of drugs may seem like a viable solution at this point. Before you know it, you have become an addict because these thoughts are not going away as you thought so
  • Moving on, you can easily end up developing ADHD if you are not careful. Since you are thinking too much, your brain starts having difficulty focusing on a particular thing, which could lead to ADHD
  • Moreover, thinking too much could easily result in schizophrenia when they continue for a long while. Research has shown that having intrusive thoughts has been linked to the majority of the cases of schizophrenia

Advice for those Who May Seem to Have Signs of Intrusive Thoughts

If you are among those who are having intrusive thoughts, it is never too late to turn your ways around. Some advice to you is that;

  • You should always check your Growth Hormone level, the hormone responsible for human growth. Often, a low level is the main reason you are most likely to develop obsessive thoughts, anxiety, and depression. Always be keen to check your HGH level, which in this case should be between o.4 – 10 (ng/mL) for males and 1 – 14 (ng/mL) for women. In case you find that your Growth Hormone is below the required level, take some time and visit a reputable HGH clinic for consultation
  • Secondly, ensure that you take up a routine to lead a normal life. Such activities will keep you busy such that you won’t be able to focus on your thinking which only increases them
  • Also, make time to go for yoga to get rid of these thoughts. An important part of yoga is that it helps you relax your mind. Also, during yoga, your mind relaxes; hence, you cannot slide into your intrusive thoughts that will only harm them
  • Normally, talking walks is underrated. However, taking regular walks, be it in the evening or morning, could do you a great deal. Such walks help to clear your mind. Thus, you are not able to have too many thoughts
  • If all these do not work, look for a specialist. Here, the clinic will provide you with professional guidance on overcoming your condition. You may be given medication in some scenarios if your situation is serious

Try not to do the following

As the famous statement goes, prevention is better than cure. In this case, you might want to consider preventive measures so that you don’t find yourself having intrusive thoughts over and over.

  • One of the things you should avoid is reading a lot of news. As much as the news is informative, it may be a grave danger to your mental health. You may read a lot of information that you end up overthinking about, leading you to intrusive thoughts
  • Avoid taking alcohol, thinking that it will help you. Consuming alcohol will only help you for a moment, but the thoughts will recur after a while. In the end, you will find yourself in a much more serious issue where you have to deal with addiction and intrusive thoughts
  • Also, try always to push those thoughts away from your mind. Sometimes, you could be the one letting these thoughts overwhelm you. Ensure that you try your best to keep these thoughts out of your mind

Clinical Intrusive Thoughts Treatment

The clinical treatment available for intrusive thoughts is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). During this mode of treatment, you talk with your health expert, who will then help you deal with your condition. If this doesn’t help, you may be required to take some medication such as Paroxetine, Sertraline, Fluvoxamine, and Fluoxetine.

Common Intrusive Thoughts List

Intrusive thoughts come in various forms as follows;

  • Negative self-talk is where you are always thinking on the negative side of yourself. In most cases, these talks occur when you are down and could result from depression
  • Secondly, you may experience delusional thoughts where you are feeling paranoid. Here, you could be thinking about things that other people are not thinking about
  • Apart from that, you can experience intrusive sexual thoughts whereby you think about sex or your sexuality most of the time

Your mental state is the most important part of your well-being. A poor mental state could easily result in other health issues. In this case, train your mind not to worry about things, especially those that you are not in control of. In case you feel that your thoughts has become unbearable, seek medical service to save yourself from ending up in depression.

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