Best Presets and Filters for Instagram [Latest Update]

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If you’ve ever used Instagram, you know how important filters are.

Filters allow you to give a photograph the exact mood you want it to have. Many websites are aware of this and have developed customised settings to provide a consistent look, feel, and style. Most of the time, you’ll have to pay for these, but you might find a couple that are free.

If you don’t want to travel that far (or waste time looking), Instagram has its own set of free filters that are always available. And we have a preference for certain of them over others.

Below are some of our favourite Instagram presets and filters (some of which are free and others which may be purchased).

1. Honey Gold (The Luxe Lens)

When I initially saw this preset collection from The Luxe Lens, one of the first things that came to mind was… Fall. It appears that autumn has arrived. For all I know, these photographs may have been taken in the middle of June, but they still look like fall. This preset collection is perfect for those who adore the gorgeous browns, reds, and greys associated with the autumn season. It’s also on sale for $8 right now.

2. Winter (Preview)

What is the only season that can match with autumn in terms of aesthetics? Winter! (At least for us.) This preset brings out all of the pale winter hues that don’t generally stand out in regular images, while still allowing the other colours to shine and be the focal point.

3. Sepia (Hootsuite)

When I think about sepia, I imagine things being brown, coppery, and old-fashioned. “Back in my day…” it generally screams. This Hootsuite preset uses a toned-down version of the sepia filter to give your photos an antique air without making them look like they’re made of pennies.

4. Neon (Hootsuite)

Who doesn’t adore vibrant colours? It’s neon, after all! I don’t know what else to say; it’s just cool. This Hootsuite preset (aptly named “Neon”) does an excellent job of capturing that neon glow without obscuring any other features.

5. Clarendon (Instagram)

We’ll start with Clarendon, one of the many free Instagram filters available. I like this filter since it doesn’t completely change the mood of the photo, but it brightens it up and gives the colours a little more saturation.

6. Reyes (Instagram)

Its significantly alters the mood of the photograph. Reyes has your back if you want something that seems a little older, maybe even nostalgic. You can see how it turned a photo of flowers and woods into a Lana Del Rey album cover in the image above. Reyes is the way to go if your vibe is “Lana Del Rey album cover.”

7. Sierra (Instagram)

Sierra strikes a good balance between absolutely natural and “Lana Del Rey record cover,” in my opinion. You want to go all out occasionally, and other times you want to be a bit more subtle. Sierra provides you with something that might evoke good memories while remaining grounded in the present. It’s less “full-on nostalgia trip” and more “dreamy.”

That’s all there is to it; have fun with filters!

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