Are you looking for a way that how to add audio to google slides? Google Slides has added an audio capability to help you construct more engaging presentations, keeping up with Microsoft PowerPoint and Apple Keynote. You can use audio from YouTube videos, streaming services like SoundCloud, or a file you have on your computer. Slides support a variety of file types, so you don’t have to convert them before inserting them into the presentation.
Despite the fact that Google Slides is a really straightforward and intuitive tool for creating presentations, its animation constraints mean that slides can be lacking in punch. Adding music or video to your slides is a simple way to add movement and dynamism. In this blog post, we’ll teach you how to add audio to google slides to incorporate audio and video, as well as some instances of how video may enhance your presentations and increase audience participation.
How to Add Audio to Google Slides Works
Though it appears to be a straightforward feature, adding audio to Google Slides hasn’t always been possible. Previously, the only method to include music in a Google Slides presentation was to include a video or a link to a website like Spotify; simply putting the audio file was not an option. You can now, thankfully.
The only catch is that you can’t upload the files directly from your computer. Only Google Drive can be used to upload them. Unlike PowerPoint, which allows you to record audio directly in the application, you’ll need to record your audio separately, upload it to Google Drive, and then add it to your presentation from there.
Obviously, this isn’t restricted to audio recordings. You can submit any sort of audio, including music, as long as the files are MP3 or WAV.
How to Add Audio to Google Slides
1. Save the audio file to your Google Drive as an MP3 or WAV file.
2. Go to the slide you wish to add audio to in your Google Slides presentation. In the toolbar at the top of the Slides screen, select “Insert.”
3. Select “Audio” from the “Insert” drop-down menu.
4. You can search for your audio file in “My Drive,” “Shared drives,” “Shared with me,” or “Recent” in the “Insert audio” pop-up. You may also use the search bar to type the name of your audio file.
5. Select the file you wish to add by clicking it and selecting “Select.”
6. Your audio file will now appear as a little sound icon in your slide. Click and drag one of the icon’s corners outward or inward to resize it.
A playback bar will display when you click the symbol or move your mouse over it, allowing you to pause, play, or fast-forward the audio.
When you click the icon, a sidebar menu will emerge on the right side of the slide, where you may change audio playing, reflection, shadow, color, and other sound and design features.
When Should You Add Audio Content?
Music can help bring your recorded presentation to life and engage your audience more thoroughly in your message. The music we listen to influences our emotions and may modify our visual perception, according to researchers from the University of Groningen. According to the findings, the correct music can assist people to engage with and better absorbing a presentation’s topic.
Recording a narration for a video presentation that people can watch at their leisure or that you can offer on your website could be the perfect solution. A presenter is necessary for properly delivering a presentation’s message, and viewers should not be forced to rely just on the text on screen if one is not available. Using a voiceover throughout your presentation can have a number of advantages, including focusing the audience’s attention, breaking the monotony, and improving retention. Before you record your narration, check out some of our wonderful resources on crafting captivating video scripts, and that way how to add audio to google slides.
Top 3 Reasons to Add Audio to Google Slides
Adding audio to Google Slides is simple. But you should do it because it adds value to your presentation, not because it’s simple. Here are a few reasons and scenarios in which you might want how to add audio to google slides and your presentations.
- The theme or tone of your presentation can be set with background music.
- Make a recorded narration available to your audience to assist them in following the presentation’s key points.
- Historical speeches can be a good way to bring context to a text in an academic presentation.
- Add your talk to your slides to make the presentation more interactive on whichever platform you share it on.
- Audio can help people with visual impairments understand what you’re saying.
How to Add Your Own Audio
Step 1
As previously stated, there is no need to convert the audio to MP3 or other formats, as there was before the most recent Google Productivity Suite update. Simply save the file to your Google Drive and title it for easier browsing, though it should already appear under Recent.
Step 2
To add a file, go to the Slides menu bar and click “Insert,” then “Audio.” This will take you to all of your available audio files on your hard disk right away. Scroll through the options, choose the one you wish to use, then confirm by clicking “Select” in the bottom-left corner.
Step 3
The audio icon displays by default in the upper-left corner, although this may not be the best location for everyone. Drag and drop the symbol to the desired location within a slide to reposition it.
You may also make the icon bigger or smaller by sliding one of the small blue squares around it in and out. A navigation grid emerges when you reposition the symbol, making it simpler to see where it belongs in relation to other slide elements.
Step 4
You may modify the default playback settings in Google Slides, which are on-click. Choose “Format” (from the menu bar) and “Format Options” after selecting the audio icon. Select “Automatic” from the “Audio Playback” section, move the slider to decrease/increase volume, and make sure “Stop on slide change” is checked.
How to Embed a YouTube Video in Google Slides?

Select Video from the drop-down menu after clicking Insert on the menu bar. You’ll be taken to a window where you can search for a YouTube video. Select the video after you’ve found it. Make sure you have the right to use the video you chose, just like you do with any other media you use in your presentation. Your video has now been integrated with your presentation. Like any other Slides object, you can move and resize it.
Here are the steps to take if you want your video to play automatically. Go to Format choices by clicking on the video. On the right side of your screen, a menu will open; select Video playback and Autoplay when presenting. If you simply want to see a portion of your video, you may set a start and stop time for it.
Click the play button in the center to start watching the video. In both normal and present modes, this works.
How to Insert a Video by URL into Google Slides?

If you already have a link to the video you want to use, the By URL tab comes in useful. Paste your YouTube URL into the Paste YouTube URL here box. The video will then appear on your slide after you hit Select.
How to Insert a Video File from Your Drive into Google Slides?
If you have a video on your drive, go to the Insert menu, scroll down to Video, and then to the Google Drive tab. Select your file after you’ve located it. Your video should now be visible in your presentation. If you’re sending your presentation to someone else to use, make sure you include the video with it, or they won’t be able to see it.
How to Add to Google Slides with Spotify?
1. Open the Spotify Web Player or desktop app and search for the appropriate song.
2. Click the ellipsis icon next to the song, album, or playlist you want, then select “Share” and “Copy Song Link” from the pop-up menu.
3. Go to the first slide in your Google Slides presentation where you want the music to play.
4. Click “Insert link” and paste your Spotify link into a section of text (or an image) on the slide.
5. On the day of your presentation, make sure you’re using Spotify’s browser version. You’ll need to click the link to open Spotify in a new browser window while giving the presentation. Before returning to your Google Slides presentation, you’ll need to play the music in the Spotify window.
Adding Audio in a Google Slides Presentation
To include or the way how to add audio to google slides presentation, follow these steps:
- Open the presentation on Google Slides.
- Go to the slide where you wish to insert the audio media and click it.
- You’ll need to add the audio to the first slide if you want it to play across all of the slides.
- In the menu, select Insert. A menu appears in the form of a drop-down menu.
Make a choice for audio. A dialog box displays on the screen. - Go to your Google Drive and find the audio file.
- Select the file after clicking it. Alternatively, you can double-click the audio file. The audio will be integrated with the slide, with a link to its Google Drive location.
- Drag the audio icon to the slide’s desired location.
How to Play Audio in Your Google Slides
The ability to integrate music to Google Slides allows for a more organized approach to slide creation. It saves you the trouble of linking to an external audio source and hiding the link with a visual element. Instead of opening in a new tab, the audio now plays directly on the slide.
You can give presentations using Google Slides from anywhere. Next time, try using audio (don’t forget to submit your audio files) and see how it goes. It gives you yet another option for creating interactive slide decks.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about How to Add Audio to Google Slides?
Can You Hide the Audio Icon?
Of course, you can, and this is especially useful when the auto playback option is on. Select the icon, then “Arrange” from the menu bar and “Order” from the drop-down menu.
To hide the icon behind another element, select “Send backward” or “Send to back.” Rather than words, it’s advisable to hide it behind your company emblem or an image/element.
How to Use Streaming Services?
Adding audio from streaming services to Google Slides may be done in two ways. By selecting the Share option under a tune or podcast and adding the audio as a link, you can create a link. However, you’ll need an internet connection when giving the presentation, and you’ll have to exit it to listen to the audio.
It goes without saying that downloading the audio and embedding it into a slide, as previously mentioned, is the best option. Just a reminder: upload to Drive, click “Insert,” choose “Audio,” and select your song. But keep in mind that some songs are protected by copyright, and you may have to pay to download them, so be cautious about what you use.
How do you make your slides speak for themselves?
Including audio in slides can serve a variety of reasons. It can be utilized as a direct reference to a person or speech you want to quote, or simply to add some dramatic background music.
Do you enjoy using audio in your presentations? If so, how do you make the most of it? In the comments box below, share your tips and tricks with the rest of the community.
When should you add a video to Google Slides?
When creating your presentation, keep in mind the persuasive power of video. A video, whether it’s a demo or an advertisement, may add a lot of value to your message.
You only need to get started now that you know how to add movies to it. Also, don’t miss out on our Google Slides productivity masterclass if you want to improve your Google Slides skills.
Does this work in both Student Paced and Instructor Paced Modes?
Yes, students can listen to audio recordings in either Session mode on the Student View.
I clicked on the “Audio Included” object, but it doesn’t play my recording.
This object merely saves the file and does not play it. Click the blue Add Audio to Slide button in the Pear Deck sidebar to listen to or modify the file before presenting. The only option to play the audio file during a presentation session is to open the player on the Student View. The Projector and Dashboard Views do not support Pear Deck Slide Audio.
What is the advantage of Pear Deck Slide Audio over another option?
For the following reasons, Pear Deck Slide Audio enables integrating clips into your presentations much more flexible and seamless:
The Slide Audio is compatible with both presentation modes, so students can use it in a Student-Paced Lesson without the need for the teacher to be present. You can use it to create original recordings, allowing you to simply adjust directions to the rest of your course as you construct it.
It can be layered over any interactive slide so that students can listen to the lesson while also answering the interactive question on the same screen.
Do the Google Slides audio clips work in Pear Deck?
The Insert > Audio menu in Google Slides now allows you to insert solely pre-recorded audio clips into your slides. You can use those audio snippets in a Pear Deck presentation if you meet the following criteria: 1) With the Pear Deck Power-up Chrome extension loaded, 2) in an Instructor-Paced Session, and 3) with the Projector View alone.
When do you add audio to a Pear Deck slide for the first time?
You’ll be asked to give Pear Deck permission to utilize your microphone. To use Slide Audio, you must give Pear Deck access to your microphone. If you still need to allow microphone access, adjust your settings by clicking the lock button in the URL bar. After that, you should be able to start recording with Pear Deck Audio.
What type of file can I upload?
You can use your computer to upload an an.mp4 file. Please save it to your PC and then submit it to Pear Deck Slide Audio if it is saved in your Drive.
When I try to upload a file, it says my file is too large. Why?
Pear Deck Slide Audio can only upload files that are smaller than 20 MB in size.
Can I add more than one recording to a slide?
A single Pear Deck Audio recording can be added to a slide. You may have discovered that you can clip many recordings onto a single slide. In this situation, however, only the first recording you placed will play on the Student View when you offer a live Session to students.
Is there a limit to the number of slides to which you can add audio?
Nope! There is no limit on the number of slides that can be used. We just advise that recordings be kept brief so that students can concentrate. Good luck with your recording!
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